Ana Projects is an analogue post-house based in London, UK. We make animations, graphics and visual effects using handmade techniques for TV commercials, short films, online content and music videos. Our practice is drawn from a diverse set of art mediums whilst utilising the typical range of computer programmes to integrate within digital workflows.

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Our Practise

Ana Projects is a team of three working from our studio in Hackney, London, we also have a group of talented freelancers that we work with regularly. We’re continually experimenting with new techniques and love collaborating to find new ways of working. We have established relationships with film labs and printers to ensure turnaround times fit within project schedules. To date, we’ve immersed ourselves in the mediums below.

-35mm (or “direct”) animation. Working with paint, ink, scratching and more on film prints or drawing frame by frame on empty film cells.

-Drawing with paint, charcoal, ink, pen, pastel and more on paper.

-Cut paper collages, using photo prints and archival materials.

-Glass cell animations using oil paints.

-Analogue glitch effects using old cameras, televisions and scanners.

-Photocopier and projector manipulations.

-Stop frame animation.

Clients include





New Balance



Apple Music


The Face

US Vogue